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what have i become since i've returned to school for rom?

So I've been thinking long and hard about what to blog about and the direction I want this blog to go. When I first started, a mere 3-4 months ago I wanted it to be about my life, I wanted to share things I liked and things I'd tried. However, since I'm at school and can't leave anytime soon, my range of "things to do" is fairly limited. I could continue to write every couple of days about the things I've done but eventually my 5 dedicated readers would lose hope. I want to try and actually write, perhaps creatively, perhaps satirically we'll see. As I've said before I am an English major, I do like writing just for fun so I think that's what I'll try to do. Every so often I'll give life updates but let me tell you, not much has happened. I'm going to try my best not to complain, I've realized that there's no point, it doesn't really get me anywhere. Okay here goes nothing. "What I have I become since I've returned to school for ROM?"

For starters I have no idea what "ROM" stands for, I think it's "restriction of maneuver" maybe it's "restraining of midshipman" I genuinely don't know, all I know is that there's a whole host of rules I'm supposed to follow and there's one officer who's in charge of all of us. That's honestly the most exciting part of my day, when I know she's nearby and I'm trying to avoid her and I turn the corners like Steve Martin in Pink Panther; you know the scene where he wears the body suit that matches the wallpaper.

I guess that's the first thing I've become: sneaky. I recently came to the conclusion that I wouldn't mind being in the CIA once I'm out of the Navy. Maybe I'm not supposed to announce that but I genuinely think it'd be really cool. I have no idea what that career path looks like but I wouldn't mind having multiple identities. I think Criminal Minds really glorified the life of a CIA agent when Emily faked her death, sorry if that's a spoiler. When I say I avoid the officer who's in charge I mean it. I've sprinted up stairwells, walked the opposite way, and tried to cover as much of my face with my mask as possible. I can only compare it to running from the cops I guess. Not that I've ever had to do that, but I imagine it's similar. Or maybe when you did something bad and you're trying to avoid your parents confronting you. I guess that's more like it... I also wouldn't know what that's like.

The next thing I've become is somewhat of a film connoisseur. Also, I'm a French minor and I still had to spell check "connoisseur." My Aunt Dale told me that one day I'll look back and appreciate all of this spare time, one day I guess I will. In the meantime I think I've watched more Netflix than I have since I was in high school. Soren and I are watching Community, it's pretty funny. It's a lot like The Office or Parks and Rec but it's about a group of misfits in community college. Just to give you an idea of how much of the show we've watched, each season has about 20 episodes and they're all ~20 minutes long and we're already on season 3... We've also watched This Is the End, I didn't love the movie but Soren thought it was funny. Madeline and I watched The Long Shot, I think I mentioned that, that was funny and I would recommend it. Now Soren and I are almost done with the first Hangover movie and I'm sure we'll watch the second one. I'm going to continue to keep track of how much Netflix I've been watching and at the end of ROM I'll let everyone know my list of favorites.

I have become a chef and not the kind I was becoming when I was home or in Maine. I have a 2.7 cubic foot (feet?) mini fridge and a drawer of snacks. That's all. I'm not allowed to heat anything up either so all of the food is cold. You'd be amazed how quickly you can get tired of salad. Maybe that's not surprising... I'd like to thank my parents and Trader Joe's, they've sponsored the majority of my meals. Next time I make a salad I'll take a picture of it, once I'm allowed out I am vowing not to eat salad. Perhaps this title wasn't as funny... Also, don't take your toaster for granted. You can only eat so much cold bread with sunflower butter before you want to cry.

This is the last thing I wanted to say before I end this somewhat comedic post. What is the part of our brain that makes us panic when we hear any kind of iPhone alarm. It doesn't matter if it's yours or your roommates but holy cow, I think it could wake up a dead person. This morning mine went off, then my first roommates' went off and then another one did and they were three different sounds but my brain was still like "CODE RED WAKE UP!" Maybe it's just me but wow an iPhone alarm will make all of the hairs on my body stand up.

I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope I can come up with more ideas!! Happy second week of ROM to me and hope everyone else had a good weekend.

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