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surprise blog post sunday

Yes I know, I've been MIA for quite some time now but I've been relatively busy. I finished the school year and we went right in to Nationals practice and the bars opened up downtown.... I'll let you do the math hahahah.

So my last post was March 31st and since then a LOT has happened. I finished school! I'm not a firstie (senior) which is absolutely wild. I can't believe I've made it this far but I am so thankful for everything that's happened while I've been at Navy. It certainly hasn't been the most fun or easy but I've grown a lot and I'm grateful for my friends and family who have supported me. I'm really looking forward to my last year.

My team won team race nationals last week, that's probably the biggest thing that has happened. We are on top of the world, it has been an awesome experience to be apart of this team and to see that all of our hard work has paid off. We still have co-ed fleet race nationals tomorrow and I'm nervous but I think we have a really great shot at winning that too. We'll see what happens! I don't even know what would happen if we won that too, perhaps they'd build a statue.... I'm totally kidding. After last season being cancelled and losing the majority of the fall I think everyone is just so thrilled that Nationals has been able to happen and that we're finally able to compete. I know I've said this before but I truly love my team and I'm excited to have one more year with them. I'm actually just amazed at the places I have gone because of sailing, not just physically but the opportunities it has provided me. Some of you know this but when I was little I truly hated sailing and it wasn't until I started doublehanded sailing that I really grew to love it. I'm glad my dad encouraged me to stick with it.

So I don't know if everyone has experienced the full force of cicadas like we have but man, I hate them. They're just big dumb useless bugs. Why do they exist? I actually live in fear that they'll land on me. I know they can't hurt me but why are they so big? When will they leave? Why do they take so long to grow? They truly freak me out. My dad sometimes leaves his shoes on the porch and I warn him every day to check them before he puts them on. He probably wouldn't freak out like I would but I just really don't want him to hear a crunch when he puts his shoes on.

It's finally feeling like an Annapolis summer, it's 90 degrees by noon. Also boat days are really back. I love that I have my Navy friends and home friends it's just so nice. I know that I constantly go back and forth on this but I am kind of glad that I went to college in the same town I went to school in. Maybe that's just me but it's very convenient to have my parents house nearby. Granted I am currently living in their basement.... I promise I will leave eventually.

After nationals are over and we've finished cleaning up I'm heading to Nantucket with a few of my teammates. I'm really looking forward to it, it should be super fun. Then I'm flying home and I'll get to see Allison and Lila! I haven't seen her in so long, I'm sure she's so big now. After that I'm headed to NYC for the weekend to see Elizabeth, I'm also really looking forward to that. I told her she has to meet me at the train station or else I'll look like an escaped zoo animal like the movie Penguins of Madagascar. Hopefully once I'm back from that I'll know what I'm doing second block.... it's still very up in the air, maybe I'll have a cruise, maybe I won't. I just do what I'm told. I'm sure I have more to write about but I'm reaching the end of my attention span for now.

I hope everyone is having a good summer!

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