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are RX bars a personality trait?

I know, it's a different type of title than normal but I came up with it a few days ago and I've decided to roll with it. I can't remember the last time I blogged but I know it's been awhile and normally I go back and check but today I can't be bothered so I'm just going to update everyone as to what I've done this summer because it's been a long one.

First thing post-Nationals and vacation: I went to San Diego! On the Navy's dime nonetheless. I spent 13 days on board the USS Tripoli and I made friends that I'm convinced will last a lifetime. I also know what kind of ship I'd like to pick and I wouldn't be mad if I was stationed in San Diego. We had a ton of fun, the days seemed to fly by. The traveling to and from was rather terrible but it brought us closer together I think. We traveled for over 16 hours to get there and about the same on the way back, truly an experience. But, we did make it. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and every spare moment was spent at the beach. I got back on July 24th and to be honest, I still wish I was there.

Currently I am interning at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark, NJ. Now, let me tell you a few things about Newark before I talk about anything else - people like to make fun of NJ and normally, I will stick up for it. But, if the only part you've ever been to is Newark then I understand. It's scary. Luckily the school is completely fenced in, you have to have a gate combo and I feel very safe there. But, whenever we leave to go to the store or to get food, we always go together. I went into this internship not knowing what to expect, I thought I'd be interacting with the kids a lot and I am not but that's because I chose to be an admin assistant for the middle school dean, I'm learning a lot about Google Classroom. There are 14 of us total, hopefully 14 of us will return if all goes well. I didn't know anyone else going and I won't lie, I was kind of dreading it but I, again, have made some really good friends. My roommate, Brooke, is my new running buddy. Partially because we can't run alone and partially because she's the only person who's crazy enough to run 3 laps around the park with me, that's really our only paved, close place to run. I'm trying to see it positively, I think I've gained a lot of independence. I look forward to the weekends because it means I can go somewhere safe where I can do things on my own. Another fun fact about St. Ben's is that we're living in the high school boys' dorm and our AC unit in our room works but if you leave it on for too long it causes a puddle on the floor, I normally discover it when my socks get wet...

Last weekend I visited a few friends in Newport, RI and I was willing to drive 3 hours just to see them. I don't think I've ever driven 3 hours for a weekend but I woke up extra early to ensure I had time to just walk around downtown Newport by myself. I got some new running shoes which I proudly displayed on IG yesterday and I've been talking about since I got them.... I also got my nails done at a random salon just because. It really was a treat yourself weekend. My friend's parents sent me back with so many goodies when I left because they were convinced I was going to get snatched in Newark, it was very kind of them and when I told my mom on the phone she was just happy that someone else was acting as motherly as she does. But, the moral of the story is, don't take the safety of your town for granted!!

This weekend I'm visiting my aunt and uncle in Ocean City, NJ and it's been really nice! I haven't seen them in awhile because of COVID (surprise). It's been really relaxing and I've really enjoyed getting to catch up with them. Unfortunately, I have not been able to tan because it's been rainy and overcast which is just so predictable to me but it's okay because I've been able to run and walk and eat some really yummy food. I also saw my friend Porter who I've known forever because our dads were actually childhood friends who met in Ocean City. It's just a very small world.

I guess now I'll bring up the title of the blog, I got sidetracked trying to remember everything that I've done. For those that don't know, RX bars are a type of protein/granola bar that are pretty popular for only having "6 ingredients" or whatever their claim is. I used to hate them, now I like them sometimes, I don't know. I've just eaten a lot of them recently, the blueberry is by far the best one and the peanut butter chocolate chip is the worst. I just feel like they appeal to a very specific audience and if you eat RX bars regularly you probably tell everyone and you also probably only shop at Whole Foods and eat organic produce or maybe you're a vegan. I guess you're probably wondering, "Kimmie are you all of those things?" To which my answer is "NO!" because right after I eat an RX bar I'll probably eat 1/3 of a bag of Hot Cheetos or some other unreasonably processed snack. I believe that everything is okay in moderation and you can always just run more miles or something and it'll all balance out.

A nice part of St. Ben's is that they have a CrossFit class in the morning and I would've never done it on my own accord but Brooke convinced me to go and I really enjoy it. It's not easy at all but I like it because it's a strength workout but it's fast paced. I know it's fairly controversial because of the whole speed vs. form argument but Tom, the guy in charge, makes sure that our form is correct. I'm not great at it but I like the challenge and that's something I might try to continue with at some point in life.

Another reason I had to come visit my aunt and uncle is because many years ago when we stayed with them for a weekend we went to this restaurant that I refer to as "the speakeasy" because OC is a dry town. It has been since prohibition times and everyone just knows it. You can have alcohol here but you can't buy it anywhere in town so certain restaurants have started to become "clubs." You pay a membership fee and you can bring your own wine to dinner. The first time they took me to the speakeasy we had a busboy with a man bun who was around my age who I had the biggest crush on. I think I was 14 or 15 and ever since then my aunt has updated me on bun boy. So this morning we went to this little bakery that he works at in hopes to see him again and guess what, he was working. Sparks were flying! That's a joke, he seems like all is well and I have no idea what he actually looks like because he was wearing a mask. We did pick up some muffins and scones and they were yummy! I couldn't decide between a chocolate banana muffin and a banana chocolate chip muffin so I got both. The banana chocolate chip was delicious and I feel like that's high praise coming from me because I'm a bit of a banana bread snob. I think they add vanilla to theirs and I might try that the next time I make banana bread. The chocolate banana was good but I liked the other better, you couldn't really taste the banana which was disappointing.

I only have a week left at St. Ben's and then I'm headed home for a few days before I have to go back to school! It's crazy to think that this is my last year. I have no idea how many days until graduation, I'm sure someone else knows. It's less than 300, that's as specific as I can get. We have to wear masks indoors again, I'm hoping that that policy will change and that COVID doesn't ruin our senior year but it's going to be weird for everyone, not just me, that's what I have to keep telling myself. Hopefully we still have a fall season and we're able to have all of the events that Navy has planned for us. There isn't any point in speculating so I'm just going to enjoy these last few days. I'm looking forward to this year, it won't be super easy but it should be good. Time really has flown and it's crazy to think that I'm almost done!

I think that's all of my updates for now, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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